Sunday, January 8, 2012

day 8 of 366

Feeling like a sloth so I signed up for my third half marathon this morning.  Need to dust off my running shoes.

day 7 of 366 is what's for dinner!

day 6 of 366

My new book that I truly want to read.

day 5 of 366

John Adams...600+ page book...I have chosen to abandon you!  My apologies to my book club.

day 4 of 366

My baby girl loves to read. I love finding her reading in quirky spots like the kitchen table while waiting for dinner.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

day 3 of 366

I think the saying goes something like this...Somedays you are the windshield, others the bug.  Today, I was definitely the bug which is fitting as my eighth graders study Madagascar hissing cockroaches in our science class.  The day returning from a long break is exhausting!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2 of 366 way to start my day.  I love to get up before the rest of my family and enjoy a cup in my quiet kitchen.