Sunday, January 8, 2012

day 8 of 366

Feeling like a sloth so I signed up for my third half marathon this morning.  Need to dust off my running shoes.

day 7 of 366 is what's for dinner!

day 6 of 366

My new book that I truly want to read.

day 5 of 366

John Adams...600+ page book...I have chosen to abandon you!  My apologies to my book club.

day 4 of 366

My baby girl loves to read. I love finding her reading in quirky spots like the kitchen table while waiting for dinner.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

day 3 of 366

I think the saying goes something like this...Somedays you are the windshield, others the bug.  Today, I was definitely the bug which is fitting as my eighth graders study Madagascar hissing cockroaches in our science class.  The day returning from a long break is exhausting!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2 of 366 way to start my day.  I love to get up before the rest of my family and enjoy a cup in my quiet kitchen.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The 1 of 366

I love photographs and recently read a blog about ways to improve as a photographer.  A section about fear stuck with me...fear of what people think when I am taking photos as well as fear of how I look when taking photos.  According to the blog, moving past these fears is a significant way to improve ones quality of photographs.  I have decided to make a resolution focusing on my happiness and something I enjoy.  I hope to take a photo a day and just see what happens.  Here goes nothing....

New Year's Day 2012 and the days preceding have centered on playing games with my family.  This one is an all time favorite!